PLOEY - You Never Fly Alone (2018)

| Adventure, Animation, Familyfilm | IMDB



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United Kingdom



Flying the Nest

Ploey is a lively plover chick with big dreams and plans for the future. His best friend is the cute Ploveria who enjoys the company and resourcefulness of Ploey during their merry games through the meadows. There is only one thing about Ploey - he cannot fly. When the temperatures fall and the autumn approaches, the birds of his family prepare to go south. However, one morning when Ploey wakes up, he is terrified to realize that he has been left behind. Determined to see his loved ones again, the brave little chick prepares himself to survive the harsh arctic winter and to outsmart the vicious pans of his enemies. Of course, it is always easier to got through difficult times when you have good friends by your side.




Trailer 1